Cristina Martinez: (757) 625-2616 Bob Holt: (757) 818-5199 Pete Barker: (757) 361-9229
Saint Gianna Molla Respect Life Committee of Saint Matthew Catholic Church
Heeding the call of the Office of Pro-Life Activities of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the direction of our Pastor, Father John Abe at St. Matthew Catholic Church in Virginia Beach, we, the members of the Saint Gianna Molla Respect Life Committee, commit ourselves to promote the Culture of Life in our parish and community by:
Ongoing personal education on the Church’s teachings regarding the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death
Active participation in local, regional, and national events which defend the sanctity of life, and
Informed participation in the legislative process, whereby we become “salt for the earth” (Matthew 5:13) and engage in the work of evangelization through transformation of society.
We are a committee of committed individuals, a ministry within our parish, and an apostolate to the world.
Education The committee meets every 1
st Thursday of the month at 9:45 a.m. in the Parish Library. The main focus of the meeting is education on the Dignity of the Human Person. This fall we will discuss the book by Sister Terese Auer, O.P.,
Called toHappiness: Guiding Ethical Principles. Please call Christine Martinez at 625-2616 for details.
Opportunities to Stand for Life
Please join us every 2nd Saturday of the month from 8:30 am - 9:30 am at Planned Parenthood (515 Newtown Road, Virginia Beach) to pray the Pro-Life Rosary for an end to abortion. Park along Lake Edward Drive and not at the 7-11 Store.
Legislative Process Please consider joining the Virginia Catholic Conference. The Virginia Catholic Conference Email Advocacy Network is for parishioners, Catholic school parents, and anyone interested in legislative advocacy based on Catholic social teaching. Sign up at
For more information or questions, please contact Christine Martinez at
[email protected] If you enjoy great coffee, tea or honey we invite you to try Lifeboat Coffee Co. Lifeboat Coffee is 100 % pro-life with 10 % of purchases going to a pro-life cause of your choice. We hope you'll designate St. Matthew Catholic Church-St. Gianna Molla Respect Life Committee as your favorite pro-life cause.Just click on the icon to begin.